Masks and the Fight Against Ugliness

In this article, investigative journalist Philip Osborne explores the link between ugliness and masks, through insightful storytelling.

Members of the pro-mask identity group, known among the pro-face community and its allies as "anti-facers", complained that the waning interest in masks among stakeholders and social engineers meant that they would no longer be able to hide their faces, which they considered to be ugly.

"I just feel that everyone should have a right to privacy and to conceal their face, you know how some of the stricter Islam women do?" said Kareen Iggelwort, an activist who was wearing multiple masks. "I get tired of strangers staring at me when I'm at the gym or grocery store or other parts of my daily routine."

Kareen Iggelwort at surgery
Igglewort performing her daily routine while wearing a mask

More scientifically-minded people, some of whom identified as amature epidemiologists, agreed that mask use among the general population was mostly a ritual for symbolic awareness, and that virus particles, like mold spores, are everywhere floating around in the air with their infamous miniature protein spikes waiting to bind to organic material.

Corona spike protein
An enlarged view of a typical corona virion variant spike protein

Doctor Olivia Hamstead, a senior lecturer at the Institute of Science in Honolulu, who agreed to be a contributor in time for this article, said that the microplastics contained in the Tyvec dust masks that were mass-produced during the global covid scare has already contaminated the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an ecological disaster zone where fish and other aquatic marine life cannot survive.

Dr. Hamstead
Dr. Oliva Hamstead, giving a lecture at the Institute of Science in Honolulu in 2008 (supplied photo)

Trash floating to ocean
Masks and other plastic trash is washed out to sea in this photo from a study of the Pearl River Delta in China

Burt Humperton Sr., a senior professional garbage worker who is hearing-impaired and who collects community trash for a living, said that inclusivity, equity, and diversity were important enough values to him that everyone should strive to be more accepting and tolerant of others regardless of their beliefs and actions, "What angers me the most is when people litter important PPE such as masks on the ground, rather than making sure it ends up in a dumpster or other waste receptacle! That's racist and ageist!"

Burt declined to define what he thought was racist about masks, but the fact that he was offended proves the truth of what he said.

Trash Collection
Trashman Burt admires as the power claw on his trash truck recycles trash

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